Jul 23, 2020
CFA Society Chicago member Rich Excell, CFA, joins Jake Schleshinger from The Wall Street Journal to discuss his recent article “How the Coronavirus Will Reshape World Trade”.
Connect with Rich on LinkedIn @ richexcellcfa and Twitter @ExcellRichard
Connect with Jake on LinkedIn @ jacobschlesinger
Follow The Wall...
Jul 16, 2020
CFA Society Chicago member Rich Excell, CFA, returns to chat with Project Production Institute’s Executive Director, Ed Pound and Strategic Project Solutions’ CFO, Joe Sweeney on the topic of impacts of a move away from peak globalization, how to assess and adjust supply chains in response
Connect with Rich on...
Jul 9, 2020
CFA Society Chicago member Rich Excell, CFA, chats with Seenu Sarma, a Supply Chain Executive on if we have seen the peak of the trend toward globalization and will be moving away from it.
Connect with Rich on LinkedIn @ richexcellcfa and Twitter @ExcellRichard
Connect with Seenu on LinkedIn @ seenu-sarma and see his...
Jul 2, 2020
CFA Society Chicago member Rich Excell, CFA, chats with Brian Langstraat, CFA, President & CEO of Parametric on tax-loss harvesting strategies, why they work, when they don’t and what you need to know about them.
Connect with Rich on LinkedIn @ richexcellcfa and Twitter @ExcellRichard
Connect with Brian on LinkedIn...