Oct 26, 2022
CFA Society Chicago member Rich Excell, CFA and Donald Schneider, the Deputy Head of US Policy at Piper Sandler, look at the upcoming US elections. What are the key issues that voters care about? What are the polls indicating? Importantly, what do we as investors need to know about what can change after the elections?
Connect with Rich on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/richexcellcfa/ and find his blog posts here - https://www.cmegroup.com/newsletters/excell-with-options-report-from-rich-excell.html & Stay Vigilant | Richard Excell | Substack
Connect with Donald on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/donald-schneider-56a0585b/
Piper Sander - https://www.pipersandler.com/